Selected Websites for this area
Trusted Connections publishes useful links to selected 'Star' websites such as government organisations, companies, charities, businesses, cultural centers and online resources worldwide.
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Business & Economy
Federal Customs Service
The Federal Customs Service provides legislation laws for both individuals and businesses along with business news from both international and national sources.
Doing Business in Russia
This website summarises data and information on doing business in Russia and ranks it alongside other countries in terms of ease of starting a business, employment factors, investment protection and tax laws.
RT – Latest News: Business
RT Business is an English Language news website that is constantly updated and offers the latest in Russian and global business news.
Pravda offers an English language perspective on current business, political and economic news. With Russian news, World news, science articles, business reports and much more.
Moscow Office Space
Find office space in Moscow and throughout Russia with the free serviced office finder service from webscout
Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East
The Meteorological Synthesizing Center-East is an international cooperative program that monitors and evaluates the long range transmission of air pollutants throughout Europe. The website provides news articles, current event information, projects, an archive database and recent publications.
Wild Russia
The Center for Russian Nature Conservation is dedicated to promoting nature conversation within Russia and other countries of the region. The organisation forms a large network of scientists, nature reserve managers, educators, policy makers, park rangers and environmental groups that work together to protect the local natural environment.
Science & Education
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University is the most prominent and largest university in Russia and was established in 1755, making it one of the oldest educational institutions of its kind in the country.
Russian Space Web
The Russian Space Web is an independent online publication that aims to preserve and popularize the history of space exploration along with promoting international cooperation in space science. The website offers a whole host of information on spacecraft, rockets, current projects and historical references.
Arts & Creative
Art Russia
Art Russia is an online resource for fine art within Russia, and it has image galleries of some of the most famous art in the country, art guides and with an online catalogue and shop for decorative art.
The Bolshoi Theatre
The Bolshoi Theatre is located in Moscow and is one of most prominent and historic theatres of its kind in the region. The Bolshoi Opera and the Bolshoi Ballet are based in the theatre and are considered to be some of the greatest and oldest ballet and opera companies in the world.
Exploring the Region
Way to Russia
Way to Russia is an online travel guide with a country profile, information about the culture and traditions, language, literature, food and history. With helpful tips and advice on transport, visas, current events and practicalities of visiting Russia.
Visit Russia
Visit Russia is the official website of the Russian National Tourist Office and provides a wealth of information for visitors including flights, accommodation, how to apply for a visa, transportation and translations.
Learn Russian, Course
Travel to Crimea for a Russian language learning holiday. Learn Russian and enjoy Crimea! The website explains the Russian Language Immersion Program in detail and provides a wealth of information about the region, language tests, distance learning options, prices and local places of interest.
Professional Russian Translation and Transcription Services
AMlingua provides Russian translation and transcription services by professional Russian translators. Starting at just USD 0.04 per word!