Trusted Connections
Trusted Connections publishes useful links to selected 'Star' websites such as government organisations, companies, charities, businesses, cultural centers and online resources worldwide.
On this site you will find an elite selection of vital resources for Asian countries, and we are in the process of compiling a similar treasury of 'must visit' online properties for all populated continents.
Language Resources
In addition to providing a 'best of the best' compendium of country specific resources, Trusted Connections has also researched several language subjects including Mandarin Chinese, European English and European Spanish.
Speech to Speech Translation
TC-Star also features links to sites related to research in core technologies for Speech-to-Speech Translation (SST). SST technology is a combination of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Spoken Language Translation (SLT) and Text to Speech (TTS) (speech synthesis). For more information, click here for our section on Speech Translation.
Suggest a Resource
If you are aware of an exceptional website that you think should be added to the Trusted Connection compilation, please use the 'Suggest a website' link to the right.